About Census
June 19, 2022
As per the Law ratified in 2021, MBS is mandated to carry out a Census at least in every 10 years. Census 2022 is conducted by MBS, from 13-25 September 2022. There will be 2 Censuses conducted this year, namely, Population and Housing Census and Economic Census. In the Population and Housing Census all locals and foreigners living in the Maldives and Maldivians living abroad will be counted. However, only limited information will be collected of the Maldivians living abroad. Economic Census will collect information from the establishments registered in the Maldives.
Census Reference Time (CRT) is 00:00 of 13th September 2022. The enumerators will carry out the listing of all Structures, Households and Establishments from 13 – 14 September 2022. The teams will revisit all these places to collect the following detailed information from 17-25 September 2022.

1995 Maldives Population & Housing Census
The first ever Census in the Maldives was conducted in the in 1911 while the first modern census was conducted in 1977 based to International Standards. In view of this experience and rapid changes in the population characteristics, the Government decided to conduct National Censuses every 5 years instead of every 10 years as in most other countries. The new series began in 1985, followed by censuses in 1990, 1995 and 2000. Due to Tsunami the next Census was carried out in 2006 and after 8 years, again in 2014.